How to Bet on Sabong Matches and Increase Your Chances?

Rooster fighting, commonly referred to as sabong or cockfighting, is a renowned athletic activity in numerous regions across the globe, primarily in Latin America and Southeast Asia. It involves two roosters fighting in a pit until one is either dead or unable to continue. While Sabong may be controversial in some regions, it remains a significant cultural activity in others. 

For those interested in betting on Sabong matches, it is essential to understand the different types of bets, the factors that affect rooster performance, and tips for making informed decisions. This article will provide a complete guide on how to bet on Sabong matches and increase your chances of winning.

Types of Sabong Bets

Betting on Sabong matches is similar to betting on other sports but with unique features that make it a thrilling experience. The various types of bets that you can place on a Sabong match include a win-lose, draw, or a combination of these outcomes. In this section, we will see an overview of the different types of Sabong bets and how they work, so you can make an informed decision when placing your bets.

Moneyline Bets

Moneyline bets are the most straightforward and popular type of bet in Sabong. It involves choosing the rooster that you think will win the match outright. Moneyline bets are accompanied by odds, reflecting the rooster’s probability of winning. A rooster with lower odds is considered the favorite, while the one with higher odds is the underdog.

When placing moneyline bets, it is essential to consider the odds carefully. The odds reflect the perceived strength of the roosters and can provide valuable insight into their chances of winning. However, it is essential to understand that odds can change leading up to the match, so keeping up-to-date with any changes is crucial.

Over/Under Bets

Over/Under bets involve betting on the total number of rounds a match will last. The Sabong match typically lasts between three to four games, and bettors can place a wager on whether the game will go over or under the predetermined number of rounds.

Over/Under bets require an understanding of the playing style and stamina of the roosters. Roosters that are more aggressive and have high stamina are more likely to extend the match duration, while less aggressive and less fit roosters may end the match sooner.

Live Betting

Live betting allows bettors to place wagers during the Sabong match. It is a popular form of betting, particularly for those who enjoy the thrill of instant gratification. Live betting can be risky, and it is essential to understand the game and the odds before placing a wager.

Live betting requires quick thinking and a deep understanding of the roosters’ performance. It is essential to analyze how the roosters perform in the match and how they respond to different situations. Live betting also requires good timing, and making your move when the odds are in your favor is essential.

Factors Affecting Sabong Match Outcomes

In Sabong, the match’s outcome is dependent on luck. Several factors can affect the performance of the roosters, including breed, size, weight, age, and health, among others. Additionally, the experience and training of the handlers can play a crucial role in the match’s outcome. This section will discuss the factors affecting Sabong match outcomes and how to consider them when placing your bets.

Rooster Breed and Training

The breed of the rooster and the training it has received play a significant role in the match’s outcome. Some breeds of roosters are naturally more aggressive than others, and proper exercise can enhance their fighting skills.

Researching the breed and training of the roosters can provide valuable insights into their potential performance in the match. It is essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each breed and how they match up against each other.

Health and Condition of Roosters

The health and condition of the roosters before the match can affect their performance. Roosters that are sick or injured may not perform well in the game, resulting in a higher probability of losing.

It is essential to examine the health and condition of the roosters before placing a bet. Look for any signs of illness or injury, such as fatigue, weakness, or loss of appetite. It is also essential to consider any previous injuries or health issues that may impact the rooster’s performance.

Weight and Size of Roosters

Roosters are weighed before the match, and their size can be crucial to the outcome. A larger, heavier rooster may have an advantage over a smaller, lighter one.

Understanding the weight and size of the roosters can provide valuable insight into their potential performance. Larger and heavier roosters may have more strength and stamina but may also be slower and less agile. Evaluating the balance between size and agility is essential when assessing the roosters’ potential performance.

Fighting Style of Roosters

Roosters have different fighting styles that can affect the outcome of the match. Some roosters are more aggressive and will attack immediately, while others may be more defensive and wait for their opponent to move.

Understanding the fighting style of the roosters can provide valuable insight into their potential performance. It is essential to consider how they respond to different situations, such as when their opponent is attacking or defending. This knowledge can help you make better betting decisions.

Environmental Factors

The environment in which the Sabong match is held can also affect the outcome. The temperature, humidity, lighting, and noise levels can all impact the roosters’ performance.

It is essential to consider environmental factors when placing a bet. Look for any changes in temperature or humidity that may affect the roosters’ performance. Also, consider the lighting and noise levels of the arena and how they may affect the roosters’ behavior.

Tips for Increasing Your Chances of Winning

Betting on Sabong matches requires skill, knowledge, and strategy to increase your chances of winning. Whether you are a skilled bettor or a beginner, there are several tips and tricks that you can use to make informed decisions and increase your chances of winning. In this section, we will share our top tips for Sabong Philippines betting, including doing your research, setting a budget, and watching live matches to gain experience. We will also discuss the importance of being objective and disciplined in your betting strategy.

  • Do Your Research

Before placing a bet on matches, it is essential to do your research. Look at the past performance of the roosters, including their win-loss record, fighting style, and breed. Also, consider any environmental factors that may impact their performance. By researching, you can make better-informed decisions when placing a bet. You can also identify potential risks and opportunities you may have overlooked.

  • Set a Budget and Stick to It

Sabong betting can be addictive, and it is easy to get carried away. Setting a budget is essential to avoid losing more money than you can afford. Before placing a bet, decide how much money you will risk. Do not exceed this amount, no matter how tempting it may be. Remember that betting should be a form of entertainment, not a way to make a living.

  • Start Small

If you are new to Sabong betting, it is essential to start small. Place small bets until you understand the game and the odds well. By starting small, you can minimize your losses and learn from your mistakes without risking too much money. As you gain experience and confidence, you can increase your bets gradually.

  • Watch Live Matches

Watching live Sabong matches can provide valuable insights into the game and the roosters’ performance. You can learn about their fighting styles and strategies by observing how the roosters fight. Watching live matches can also help you identify potential opportunities and risks. You can see how the roosters respond to different situations and how the odds change throughout the game.

  • Don’t Bet with Your Heart

Betting on your favorite rooster can be tempting, but this can lead to poor decision-making. When betting on Sabong matches, being objective and considering the facts are essential. Instead of betting with your heart, focus on the roosters’ past performance, breed, and fighting style. By making objective decisions, you can increase your chances of winning.


Sabong Philippines betting can be a fun and exciting way to enjoy the game and earn money. However, to increase your chances of winning, it is essential to research, analyze the factors that affect the outcome, and implement sound betting strategies. You can make better-informed decisions when placing a bet by understanding the different types of Sabong bets and the factors that impact the roosters’ performance. Remember to set a budget, start small, and watch live matches to gain experience and confidence. 

Now that you better understand Sabong betting, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Start by researching, setting a budget, and watching live matches to gain experience. Remember to be objective and stay disciplined in your betting strategy. Good luck!

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