Kelso: An In-Depth Look at One of the Famous Fighting Cock Breeds

Are you familiar with the world of cockfighting in the Philippines? If not, you’re missing out on an essential part of Philippine culture. Sabong Philippines, the leading online platform for cockfighting enthusiasts, offers a glimpse into the world of cockfighting and the famous fighting cock breeds, such as the Kelso breed.

The sport of cockfighting is deeply rooted in the Philippines’ culture and history. For many Filipinos, it is a hobby or entertainment and a way of life. Cockfighting is the country’s national sport, with millions of enthusiasts participating yearly. One of the famous breeds of fighting cocks in the Philippines is the Kelso, named after its creator, Walter Kelso. This article will examine the Kelso breed, its characteristics, history, and standing in cockfighting.

Walter Kelso: The Man Behind the Kelso Breed

The Kelso breed is named after Walter Kelso, a legendary cocker who lived in Alabama, USA. Kelso was known for his expertise in breeding and fighting gamecocks, particularly the Kelso breed. He spent most of his life breeding gamecocks and achieved great success in the cockfighting scene. Kelso started producing his line of gamecocks in the 1940s, crossing a Brown Red rooster from the J.D. Perry Hatch with a hen from the Yellow-Legged Hatch. The result was a gamecock with an attractive appearance and an impressive fighting style. Kelso continued to breed this line, and his birds became widely recognized in cockfighting circles.

Kelso’s gamecocks started winning fights, both in the US and internationally. In the 1950s, Kelso sent some birds to the Philippines, where cockfighting was already a popular sport. The Kelso breed quickly gained a following among Filipino cockfighting enthusiasts, and Kelso gamecocks started winning major derbies. The Kelso breed continued to spread worldwide as more breeders started breeding the Kelso line. Today, the Kelso breed is recognized as one of the most popular and successful fighting cock breeds in the world.

Characteristics of the Kelso Breed

  • Physical Appearance: Size, Color, and Body Structure

The Kelso breed is known for its attractive physical appearance. Kelso gamecocks have medium-sized bodies with solid and muscular builds. They have a broad chest, a short and powerful neck, and a small head with a pronounced beak. The Kelso breed has a variety of colors, including brown, black, and white, but the most common color is golden yellow. Kelso gamecocks have a distinctive feather pattern with a dark tail and wings.

  • Temperament: Aggressiveness and Fighting Style

The Kelso breed is known for its aggressiveness and fighting style. Kelso gamecocks are fierce fighters with a high level of stamina and strength. They are also intelligent, making them capable of strategizing during a fight. Kelso gamecocks are known for their ability to deliver powerful blows and are skilled at dodging and evading attacks.

  • Intelligence and Trainability: Essential Traits of a Winning Kelso

Kelso gamecocks are highly intelligent, which makes them trainable. They are responsive to training and can learn new fighting techniques quickly. A well-trained Kelso gamecock can be a formidable opponent in the cockfighting arena.

Kelso Breed Standards

The Kelso breed has specific weight and height requirements to be considered a standard Kelso gamecock. A standard Kelso gamecock should weigh between 2.4 to 2.8 kilograms, with a height of around 18 to 22 inches.

The Ideal Kelso Cock for Cockfighting

The ideal Kelso gamecock for cockfighting should have a solid and muscular build, with a broad chest and powerful legs. They should have a keen eye and good vision, enabling them to target their opponent effectively. Kelso gamecocks with an aggressive and confident temperament are highly desired, as they are likelier to win a fight.

Kelso Breed Standard Disqualifications

The Kelso breed also has specific disqualifications, which would render a gamecock ineligible for cockfighting. Kelso gamecocks with deformities, such as crooked beaks, missing toes, or misshapen wings, are disqualified. Kelso gamecocks with a timid or cowardly temperament are also disqualified, as they are less likely to fight effectively.

Kelso Breeders and Cockfighting Circles

Prominent Kelso Breeders in the Philippines

The Kelso breed has a significant following in the Philippines, with many breeders specializing in breeding and raising Kelso gamecocks. Some prominent Kelso breeders in the Philippines include the late Wilfredo “Paeng” Araneta, known for his breeding of champion Kelso gamecocks, and Doc Ayong Lorenzo, a veterinarian who is also a successful breeder of Kelso gamecocks.

The Kelso Breed’s Success in Cockfighting Circles

Kelso Gamecocks is renowned for success in cockfighting circles in the Philippines and abroad. Kelso gamecocks have won numerous derbies and tournaments, cementing their status as a top-performing breed in the cockfighting world.

Kelso’s Contribution to the Improvement of Cockfighting in the Philippines

The Kelso breed has contributed significantly to improving cockfighting in the Philippines. Through selective breeding, Kelso breeders have produced gamecocks with superior fighting abilities, which has elevated competition in cockfighting circles. The popularity of the Kelso breed has also brought attention to the importance of breeding high-quality gamecocks, leading to breeding standards and guidelines for cockfighting.

Kelso Breed and Cockfighting Today

Kelso gamecocks remain one of the most sought-after breeds in cockfighting. Their popularity has increased demand for Kelso gamecocks for breeding and fighting. Kelso gamecocks are highly valued for their aggressive temperament, physical strength, and fighting skills, making them a top choice for cockfighting enthusiasts.

Kelso gamecocks continue to play a crucial role in the world of cockfighting today. Breeders and enthusiasts alike strive to produce and own gamecocks with superior fighting abilities, and the Kelso breed is at the forefront of this endeavor. Kelso gamecocks continue to win tournaments and derbies, and their success has cemented their status as a top-performing breed in the cockfighting world.

The Legal Status of Cockfighting in the Philippines

Cockfighting is a prevalent sport in the Philippines, legal and regulated by the government. The sport is regulated by the Philippine Gamefowl Commission (PGC), which oversees cockfighting activities and enforces the sport’s regulations. Cockfighting is also profoundly rooted in Philippine culture and has been practiced for centuries. The sport is an integral part of rural life in the Philippines and a popular form of entertainment in urban areas.

Cockfighting is a controversial sport, and it has faced criticism from animal rights groups, who argue that it is a form of animal cruelty. Cockfighting involves pitting two gamecocks against each other in a fight to the death. The sport has been banned in several countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. However, proponents of cockfighting argue that the sport is an integral part of their culture and tradition. They also say that gamecocks are treated well and given proper care and attention by their owners.


In conclusion, the Kelso breed is a crucial part of the world of cockfighting in the Philippines. With their aggressive temperament, physical strength, and fighting skills, Kelso gamecocks have become a top-performing breed in the sport. For more information about cockfighting in the Philippines and the famous fighting cock breeds, visit Sabong Philippines, the premier online platform for cockfighting enthusiasts.

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