Butuanon: The Legendary Fighting Cock Breed of Philippines

Fighting cock breeding and cockfighting have been an integral part of Philippine culture for centuries. The sport of cockfighting is deeply ingrained in Filipino tradition and has become a popular pastime for many. The Philippines is known worldwide for its high-quality game fowls, bred for their fighting abilities, beauty, and endurance. One of the most famous fighting cock breeds in the country is the Butuanon.

Interested in learning more about Sabong in the Philippines? Read on to discover the unique traits of the Butuanon fighting cock and its significance in this beloved pastime.

History of Butuanon Fighting Cock Breed

The Butuanon fighting cock breed originated in Butuan City, found in the northeastern part of the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. The breed is considered to have descended from a mixture of local Philippine game fowl and imported breeds from Spain and Asia. The Butuanon has been a superior breed in the Philippine cockfighting scene since the Spanish colonial era. During this time, cockfighting was a popular pastime among the Spanish colonizers, who brought their fighting cock breeds. The Butuanon was one of the local breeds crossbred with these imported birds, resulting in a new breed that excelled in the cockpit.

Today, the Butuanon remains a highly sought-after breed among cockfighting enthusiasts in the Philippines. Its reputation for strength, endurance, and gameness makes it a top contender in cockfighting derbies and tournaments. While other breeds have gained popularity recently, the Butuanon remains a staple in the Philippine cockfighting scene.

Physical Characteristics of Butuanon

The Butuanon fighting cock is a visually striking bird with distinct physical features contributing to its fighting ability. This section will examine the bird’s unique physical characteristics, including size, coloration, and feathering. Understanding the physical traits of the Butuanon can provide insight into the bird’s strength and agility in the cockpit.

  • Appearance and Size

The Butuanon fighting cock is a medium-sized bird, typically weighing 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms. It has a muscular build with a broad chest and powerful legs. Its wings are short and rounded, and its tail is long and pointed.

  • Color Variations

Butuanon fighting cocks come in various colors, including black, red, and gray. The most prized color variation is the “golden,” a reddish-gold color with black markings on the feathers.

  • Body Structure

The Butuanon has a well-proportioned body with a broad and deep chest, a short and thick neck, and a sturdy, compact frame. Its head is small, with a prominent beak and sharp, intelligent eyes. Its legs are strong and muscular, with thick spurs used in cockfights.

Characteristics of Butuanon’s Fighting Abilities

This section explores the unique physical and behavioral traits that make the Butuanon such a formidable fighter in the cockpit. We’ll delve into the bird’s strength, endurance, aggressiveness, gameness, intelligence, and trainability.

Strength and Endurance

The Butuanon is known for its incredible strength and endurance. It can fight for long periods without tiring, making it a formidable opponent in the cockpit. Its muscular build and powerful legs give it the strength to deliver powerful blows to its opponent.

Aggressiveness and Gameness

The Butuanon is an aggressive bird, and its gameness is one of its most notable traits. It is fiercely competitive and will fight to the death to defend its honor and that of its owner. Its determination and fighting spirit have earned it a reputation as a warrior in the cockpit.

Intelligence and Trainability

The Butuanon is an intelligent bird and can be easily trained for cockfighting. It responds well to positive reinforcement training techniques and can be taught to perform specific fighting techniques. Its intelligence also makes it a good strategist in the cockpit, allowing it to anticipate its opponent’s moves and respond accordingly.

Breeding and Training Butuanon

Breeding and training are crucial to producing successful fighting cocks, and this section takes a closer look at the practices involved in raising Butuanon. We’ll cover selective breeding, feeding and care, and training and conditioning topics.

Breeding Practices

Breeding Butuanon fighting cocks requires a careful selection of breeding stock. Breeders look for birds with desirable traits like strength, gameness, and good conformation. Inbreeding and linebreeding are standard practices used to produce offspring with consistent characteristics.

Feeding and Care

Proper feeding and care are essential for producing healthy and solid Butuanon fighting cocks. A balanced diet with grains, protein, and vitamins is vital to maintaining the bird’s health and vitality. Regular exercise and grooming are also necessary to keep the bird in top condition.

Training and Conditioning

Training and conditioning are crucial for preparing Butuanon fighting cocks for cockfights. Training typically involves exercise to build endurance and teach bird-specific fighting techniques. The movement consists in preparing the bird for the physical demands of a cockfight, such as building muscle strength and sharpening its reflexes.

Butuanon in the Cockfighting Scene

Cockfighting is a popular pastime in the Philippines, and this section highlights the various derbies and tournaments in which the Butuanon has competed. We’ll explore the bird’s impressive fighting record, notable achievements, and cockfighting’s economic and social significance in Filipino culture.

Popular Cockfighting Derbies and Tournaments: Cockfighting derbies and tournaments are a popular pastime in the Philippines, and the Butuanon is a frequent contender in these events. Some famous derbies and tournaments include the World Slasher Cup, the Bakbakan Derby, and the Pintakasi of Champions.

Butuanon’s Fighting Record and Achievements: The Butuanon has a long and impressive fighting record, with many notable victories in cockfighting derbies and tournaments. Its most notable achievements include winning the World Slasher Cup, the Super Select Breeder’s Cup, and the Bakbakan Derby.

Economic and Social Importance of Butuanon Fighting Cocks: Cockfighting and the breeding of fighting cocks have significant economic and social importance in the Philippines. The industry employs many people, from breeders and trainers to cock handlers and veterinarians. The sport also has a significant cultural and social impact, with cockfights bringing communities together and celebrating Filipino culture.


The Butuanon fighting cock is a breed of chicken that has earned a reputation as a warrior in the cockpit. Its strength, endurance, aggressiveness, and gameness make it a formidable opponent in cockfighting derbies and tournaments. Breeding, training, and caring for Butuanon fighting cocks require careful attention to detail and a commitment to producing healthy and strong birds.

Whether you’re a seasoned Sabong enthusiast or simply curious about this cultural practice, there’s no denying the impressive abilities of the Butuanon fighting cock. For more information on Sabong in the Philippines, keep on visiting sabongphilippines.com.

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