Bulik: The Famous Fighting Cock Breed in the Philippines

Bulik is a breed of fighting cock that has become widely known and recognized for its impressive fighting abilities and distinctive appearance. This breed has gained immense popularity among cockfighting enthusiasts and is widely considered one of the best fighting breeds in the country.

If you’re interested in learning more about Bulik, the famous fighting cock breed in the Philippines, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the origins of this breed, its unique features, and popularity among cockfighting enthusiasts. For more information and resources on Bulik fighting cocks stay updated at Sabong Philippines.

History and Characteristics of Bulik fighting cock

The Bulik breed is believed to have originated from the Malay Archipelago, and it was later developed and refined by Filipino breeders during the Spanish colonial era. The name “Bulik” is derived from the Tagalog word for “speckled,” which refers to the bird’s distinctive plumage. The breed is characterized by its small to the medium-sized body, muscular legs, strong beak, and distinctive speckled plumage, with dark feathers on the back and wings and lighter feathers on the chest and belly.

  • Fighting Style

The Bulik breed is known for its aggressive and fearless fighting style, using its speed and agility to dodge and evade its opponent’s attacks. It strikes quickly and decisively, often aiming for the head or neck of its opponent. The Bulik also has a strong fighting spirit and is known for its tenacity and endurance in the cockpit.

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the strengths of the Bulik breed is its speed and agility, which allows it to evade its opponent’s attacks and strike decisively quickly. Its strong fighting spirit and tenacity make it a formidable opponent in the cockpit. However, like any breed of fighting cock, the Bulik has weaknesses. It can be susceptible to certain diseases or infections, and its performance may be affected by certain weather conditions or environmental factors.

The popularity of Bulik Fighting Cocks

The popularity of Bulik fighting cocks can be attributed to their natural aggressiveness, speed, and endurance, which make them formidable opponents in the cockfighting arena. Their feathers come in various colors, including brown, black, and white, making them stand out among other breeds.

Recognition and Awards

The Bulik breed has gained widespread recognition and respect among breeders, enthusiasts, and cockfighting fans in the Philippines. It has won numerous awards and championships in cockfighting tournaments nationwide, cementing its reputation as one of the top breeds of fighting cocks.

Price and Value

Due to its popularity and performance in the cockpit, the Bulik breed can command a high price in the market. Well-bred and well-trained Bulik cocks can sell for thousands of pesos, making them a valuable investment for severe breeders and enthusiasts.

Cultural and Social Significance

Cockfighting and the Bulik breed have become deeply ingrained in Philippine culture and tradition, playing an essential role in social and economic activities in many communities. Cockfighting events and tournaments are not just a form of entertainment but also serve as a venue for socializing and networking among breeders, enthusiasts, and spectators. In some areas, cockfighting is also considered a source of livelihood and income for many families.

Challenges and Controversies

However, the popularity of Bulik fighting cocks has also faced its fair share of challenges and controversies. Animal rights groups have been campaigning against the cruelty involved in cockfighting events, where the birds are often subjected to brutal treatment and suffer injuries or even death. The government has also imposed restrictions on cockfighting in recent years, further affecting the breeding and trade of Bulik fighting cocks.

Animal Welfare Concerns

Cockfighting has faced criticism and opposition from animal welfare groups, who view it as a cruel sport. Cockfighting involves breeding and training animals to fight each other to the death, which can result in injuries and suffering for the birds.

However, proponents of cockfighting argue that the sport is an important cultural and social tradition in the Philippines and that the birds are treated with care and respect by their owners and trainers. They also argue that the sport provides an essential source of livelihood and income for many families in rural areas.

Legal Issues

Cockfighting is legal in the Philippines but is heavily regulated by national agencies such as the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR). Cockfighting events must be licensed and authorized by PAGCOR and are subject to specific rules and regulations to ensure the birds’ and participants’ safety and welfare.

However, the legality of cockfighting has been the subject of debate and controversy in recent years. Some groups have called for a ban on cockfighting, citing concerns about animal welfare and the adverse effects of gambling and illegal activities associated with the sport.

Promoting the Breed

Despite the controversies and challenges facing the sport of cockfighting and the Bulik breed, many breeders and enthusiasts remain committed to promoting and preserving the breed. Some have turned to alternative avenues for promoting the breed, such as online forums and social media. In contrast, others have established breeding programs and organizations to promote the breed and educate the public about its history and characteristics.


In conclusion, Bulik is a famous fighting cock breed that has gained immense popularity in the Philippines for its natural fighting abilities and distinctive appearance. If you’re curious about this breed, visit sabongphilippines.com, your ultimate resource for all things sabong. With our comprehensive guides and expert insights, you’ll have everything you need to breed, train, and raise your own Bulik fighting cocks. Join our community today and take your sabong journey to the next level!

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