Carol Neumann Grey: An In-Depth Look at the Famous Fighting Cock Breed

The Philippines has a prosperous history and culture, and one of the unique aspects of this culture is the sport of cockfighting. Known locally as “Sabong,” cockfighting has been a part of Philippine culture for centuries and remains a popular pastime. Cockfighting in the Philippines is much more than just a sport – it’s a form of life for many people. It’s a source of pride, an opportunity for socializing and bonding with friends and family, and a way to make a living. The sport is deeply rooted in Philippine culture and has become essential to the country’s identity.

The Carol Neumann Grey breed of fighting cocks is one of the most famous and highly prized breeds in the Philippines. It is known for its distinct physical characteristics and superior fighting skills, making it a popular choice for breeders and fighters looking for a competitive edge. At Sabong Philippines, we recognize the importance of cockfighting in Philippine culture and the value of the Carol Neumann Grey breed in the sport. Our platform is dedicated to providing a comprehensive resource for all things related to cockfighting in the Philippines.

We also provide a platform for Sabong enthusiasts to connect, share their experiences, and exchange tips and advice. Our community comprises passionate Sabong enthusiasts from all over the Philippines and beyond. We are dedicated to promoting a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone who shares our love of the sport.

History of Carol Neumann Grey Breed

The creation of the Carol Neumann Grey breed of fighting cocks was a significant moment in the history of cockfighting in the Philippines. An American game fowl breeder, Carol Neumann, traveled to the Philippines in the 1960s to study the country’s game fowl breeding techniques. Neumann was impressed with the skills and knowledge of Filipino breeders, and he began to experiment with crossbreeding different breeds of game fowl to create a superior fighting cock.

Neumann focused on combining the best traits of different breeds to create a game fowl that was fast, agile, and had excellent endurance. He used American game fowl as the base breed and crossbred them with local breeds to produce a bird with blue legs and a distinctive appearance. The Carol Neumann Grey was born, and it quickly earned a reputation for being one of the best fighting cocks in the Philippines.

Physical Characteristics

The Carol Neumann Grey breed is known for its distinct physical characteristics that make it stand out from other breeds of fighting cocks. These birds are medium to large, with an average weight of around 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms. They have a muscular build, strong legs, and a broad chest. The breed’s most distinguishing feature is its bright blue legs, which result from crossbreeding with American game fowl.

The Carol Neumann Grey has a small head and a beak curved downwards. Its eyes are dark and set deep into the head, giving it a fierce and intimidating look. The breed has a short, thick neck connecting to a broad, powerful chest. Its small but strong wings allow it to maneuver quickly and efficiently in the ring.

Behavior and Fighting Style

The Carol Neumann Grey breed is known for its aggressive behavior and superior fighting skills. These birds are natural fighters with excellent endurance, allowing them to fight for extended periods without getting tired. They have a quick and agile fighting style, making them difficult for opponents to predict and counter. The breed is also known for its intelligence, which allows it to outsmart opponents in the ring.

The Carol Neumann Grey relies on its speed and agility to dodge attacks and land powerful blows when fighting. It is not a bird that relies on brute force alone but rather a bird that uses its wits and instincts to gain the upper hand. The breed has a fierce and competitive spirit, and it is not uncommon for fights to last for several rounds as both birds refuse to back down.

Breeding and Rearing

Breeding and rearing Carol Neumann Grey fighting cocks require a lot of skill and patience. Breeders must carefully select their breeding pairs to ensure that they produce offspring with the desired traits. The birds must also be reared in a healthy environment and given the proper nutrition and care to ensure that they develop into strong and healthy fighting cocks.

To produce a top-quality Carol Neumann Grey fighting cock, breeders must consider several factors, including genetics, nutrition, and training. Breeding pairs must be selected based on physical characteristics, fighting skills, and lineage. The birds must also be fed a balanced diet that includes protein-rich foods like eggs, meat, and insects to ensure that they develop strong muscles and bones.

Training is also an essential aspect of rearing Carol Neumann Grey fighting cocks. Young birds must be exposed to various stimuli, including other birds, to help them develop social skills and aggression. They must also be trained to fight, which involves teaching them to peck and strike at a dummy bird. Training must be done gradually to avoid injury and stress to the bird.

Popularity and Price 

The Carol Neumann Grey breed is highly sought after by cockfighting enthusiasts in the Philippines and other parts of the world. Its reputation as an excellent fighting cock has made it a popular choice for breeders and fighters looking for a competitive edge. The breed has also gained recognition in international cockfighting circles, with breeders exporting birds to other countries.

Due to their popularity, Carol Neumann Grey fighting cocks can be expensive, with some birds selling for tens of thousands of pesos. The price of a bird depends on several factors, including its age, physical characteristics, and fighting record. Top-quality birds with a proven track record of winning fights can command premium prices.


In conclusion, the Carol Neumann Grey breed of fighting cocks is an essential part of Philippine culture and tradition. With proper breeding, rearing, and training, these birds can become top-quality fighting cocks that command premium prices in the cockfighting world. Whether you’re a seasoned breeder or just starting, the Sabong Philippines platform is the go-to resource for all things related to cockfighting in the Philippines.

Check out the website today to learn more and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

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